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Level 3 for Beginners: 10 Week Course

Live, online Spanish courses you can join from anywhere

Course Content 

In this course you will learn the basics of the spanish language such as ⁠

• The Verb Gustar: Special rules and usage.

• Prepositions Por and Para: Their uses and differences.

• Articles and Demonstrative Pronouns: Correct usage in sentences.

• Possessives: Using possessive adjectives and pronouns.

• The Verb Doler: Special rules and usage.

• Muy vs. Mucho, Bien vs. Bueno, Mal vs. Malo: Differences and correct usage.

• The Past Perfect Tense: Formation and practical usage.

• Future progressive: Voy a ir al supermercado

About the Course

This is the final level of A1. On completion you will have finished the beginner level of Spanish. You will learn important verbs such as 'to like' and learn how to use the future tense. This will increase your conversation ability and you will start to have a broader understanding and comprehension of everyday speech.  

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